*On your nine month birthday you took your first plane ride! You did great and got to go see you Gigi in Lubbock.
*You eat three solid meals a day and take four bottles of formula or breastmilk. This month I weaned you from nursing and you did it like a champ.
*You prefer cut up solid food over puree baby food. Some things you love include: cheese, turkey, strawberries, carrots, bananas, and yogurt. Pretty much you eat anything!
*You still have no teeth that I know of. I think there are two coming in on the bottom, but I am not for sure.
* During the day you usually take two naps. They vary in length depending on the day. At night you sleep around 11-12 hours.
*You want to crawl and be mobile so bad! We think it will be any day because you are so close. Life is about to change in our house when this happens! We are in trouble!
*Hannah is still your greatest source of entertainment. When you hear her voice it lights up your face. I can't wait to see how your relationship blooms.
*You enjoy clapping your hands, waving, and playing peekaboo.
*This month you had another ear infection and a cold. We are going to talk to an ENT about getting ear tubes this week. Poor baby!
*At your nine month check up you weighed 18 pounds. Your percentiles were in the 30's for both weight and height, so you are on the smaller side. Your head on the other hand was in the 45%. Must be all those brains you have in there! Or maybe your daddy gave you this trait and we love you just like you are!
There are so many more things I could write about your life right now. You constantly light up our lives and remind us to slow down and enjoy the little things in life. We love you to the moon and back sweet Bear!
Mommy, Daddy, and Hannah
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